3 min readApr 14, 2021

A special gift for mother.

“Hey, Christabella. It’s me, Joanna. Both our birthdays are coming up, do you want to meet up and have a small celebration with the kids?” my mother called on the phone. My friend’s mother is best friends with my mother and just nice, their birthdays was one day after one another. My mother smiled happily and placed down the phone. Then, my mother said that we were going to their house to celebrate the birthdays.

I thought of what gift to give her. Then, finally decided to make a homemade card. Whenever my mother was not home, I seized the opportunity to make the card without her knowing. I searched high and low around the house to find paper, pens and markers to decorate the card. Once I found whatever I needed, I sat down on the most comfortable chair in the house and started getting to work.

I cut out a beautiful big red heart and pasted it own a white piece of A4 paper. Right smack in the middle. I wrote a few sentences for her and wrote my name, Jenny, on the right hand bottom of the paper. I used some other coloured markers to draw and design. Then, after an hour of hardwork, done. It was a beautiful piece of art in my eyes. I knew she would love it. But… something changed my mind.

On the day of the celebration, we walked into Aunt Christabella’s House. Her house was decorated with streams of paper hanging from the ceiling to the ground. I even saw a few balloons at the corner — pink, blue and yellow. They were so pretty! Aunt Christabella was wearing a cute pink dress and I think my mother was matching with her because my mother twas wearing the same exact dress but blue.

We started off by giving the gifts. My friend, dalelyn passed her mother a big box that was wrapped perfectly, she opened it and it was a branded purse! That must be really expensive! Well, to be honest, I’m not surprised because they were pretty rich. Once I saw that, I was quite insecure about my gift. I mean, my gift is just some… thing that was made from whatever I had at home but daleyn’s gift was marvelous — a bright red, shiny purse.

I slowly placed my ‘gift’ into my mother’s hands and said, “Happy birthday, I don’t think you’ll like this gift very much though… I mean, look at daleyn’s.” My mother opened up the card and saw that big heart there. She turned the paper around and said, “Have you seen this exact card before anywhere?” I shooked my head from right to left. “Exactly, this card you have made is unique, no one will ever get a card like this. Don’t worry that this is not as expensive as daleyn’s but to me, this card is priceless. The most important thing about giving, is that it comes from the heart…” my mother said while looking at me in the eyes. A tear travelled down my face as I hugged my mother tightly and kissed her.



i believe writing should come from the heart and not just following some format.